Intro to Data Science

Lab 1 – RStudio & Base R

A Guide to Your Process


Learning Objectives


Supporting Information

Class Discussion

Today’s Plan

  • Installation Check (R + RStudio)
  • Navigating RStudio
  • RStudio Projects
  • R Scripts
  • “Base” R

Today’s Learning Objectives

After today’s session you will be able to:

  • Set up RStudio on your computer
  • Create an RStudio Project
  • Use R Scripts
  • Define fundamental base R terms
    • E.g., object, assign, function, arguments, etc.
  • Solve simple arithmetic operations using R

Installation Check: R & RStudio

  • Did anyone not get R installed?

  • Did anyone not get RStudio installed?

  • Once you have both installed, please open RStudio

R versus RStudio

R logo

RStudio logo

R versus RStudio

R logo

  • Access to fundamental R operations
  • Not aesthetically pleasing
    • In my opinion Face Smile
  • Faster for very complex operations
    • Unlikely to matter for this course!

RStudio logo

R versus RStudio

R logo

  • Access to fundamental R operations
  • Not aesthetically pleasing
    • In my opinion Face Smile
  • Faster for very complex operations
    • Unlikely to matter for this course!

RStudio logo

  • Access to fundamental R operations
  • Allows custom aesthetics
  • Has quality-of-life improvements
  • Technically an “IDE
    • Integrated Developer Environment

RStudio Layout

  • Layout consisting of four panes
    • Each pane has tabs that do different things
    • You can customize which tabs are in each pane!
  • To customize options:
    • In top menu, click “Tools”
    • Select “Global Options”
    • Select “Pane Layout”
  • I recommend the following layout:

Image of four squares arranged in a 2x2 grid. The top left is titled 'source', the bottom left is titled 'console' and the two right squares are labeled 'your choice'

Practice: Choose Your Colors

  • Tools Arrow Right Global Options Arrow Right Appearance

  • Look through some of the available color schemes
    • Feel free to share the name of your favorites!

  • Once you’ve picked one that you’re happy with:
    • Click “OK” (in bottom left)

RStudio Projects

  • Projects are a special way of marking a folder on your computer for R

  • You can still use the folder for other stuff though!

  • RStudio will give you benefits if you use Projects

Why Use Projects?

  • Sets default location for reading in / saving files
    • A.k.a. “importing” and “exporting” files

  • Convenient separation among tasks you’re working on!
    • RStudio ‘remembers’ which files are a part of each Project
    • Even re-opens whatever files you had opened last time you used the Project!

  • Lowers risk of mixing up data / script files

Practice: Create a Project

  1. Make an empty folder on your computer to make the Project in

  1. In RStudio, click “Project: (None)” in the top right corner
    • “New Project…” Arrow Right “Existing Directory” Arrow Right “Browse…” Arrow Right find the folder you made in step 1

  1. If the name of the folder you made in step 1 shows up in the top right corner of RStudio, it worked!

Temperature Check

How are you Feeling?

Comic-style graph depicting someone's emotional state as they debug code (from initial struggle and defeat to eventual triumph)

R Scripts

  • A code file is called a “script”
    • Microsoft Word : documentR : script

  • Lines of code written in scripts can be re-used
    • I.e., “re-run

  • Scripts can be run line-by-line manually or run all at once
    • Running all at once = “sourcing” a script

Practice: Create an R Script

  • Create an R script
    • “File” Arrow Right “New File” Arrow Right “R Script”

  • Once created, save it as “316_week1.R”
    • “File” Arrow Right “Save”

  • Note that the save location defaults to inside of your RStudio Project
    • Another reason to use Projects!

Base R Fundamentals

  • “Base R” includes a set of core functions that are broadly useful
    • Reading in a CSV, taking an average, etc.

  • R’s real power comes from “packages” with more advanced functions
    • These packages are not in base R
    • We’ll begin to cover these next week

  • Base R is really useful in its own right!

Objects and Assignment

  • You can do math in R directly

  • More useful to use “objects” instead of direct values
    • object = alias for a value / set of values

  • When we create an object we assign some value(s) to the object
    • Uses the assignment operator (<-)
    • Keyboard shortcut: Alt + hyphen

  • After you create an object, you can use it in place of its value!

Object Example

We can make an object like so:

my_obj <- 52

Then when we use the name of the object later…

[1] 52

… we get the value we assigned to it!

Objects Continued

  • Useful because it lets you flexibly code

  • If you know that an object only contains numbers, you can do general operations that work for any number

  • If you had to use the actual value every time, complex operations would be brutal to code

Running Code

  • How do you ‘actually’ run code?

  • You have two options!
    1. Click the “Run” button in the top right of the “Source” pane of RStudio
    2. Use the keyboard shortcut Command + Return (or for Windows users, Control + Return)

  • Note that either option requires that you clicked somewhere in the line you want to run
    • Lines are numbered on the left of the “Source” pane

Practice: Object Assignment


Object Practice

Practice: Object Assignment


  • Calculate 576 / 3

  • Calculate (258 * 4) / 13

  • Calculate 2 + 2 - 4

Object Practice

Practice: Object Assignment


  • Calculate 576 / 3

  • Calculate (258 * 4) / 13

  • Calculate 2 + 2 - 4

Object Practice

  • Create an object called yy with a value of 55
    • Hint: remember to use the assignment operator (<-)

  • Create an object called my_char with a value of “text”
    • What happens when you don’t include quotation marks around “text”?

Temperature Check

How are you Feeling?

Comic-style graph depicting someone's emotional state as they debug code (from initial struggle and defeat to eventual triumph)

Code Comments

  • Coding languages all allow comments

  • Comments are non-coding lines that explain what the code is doing in a human-readable way

  • In R, comment lines start with a hashtag (#)

  • Comments allow others to read your code and understand what is happening
    • Great for future you!!!

Code Comments

Person applying clown makeup as they talk about why they don't need to use code comments

Code Example

Here are some example comments:

# Make an object with a value of 77
q <- 77

# Divide it by 7 and assign to a new object
p <- q / 7

  • Any questions about comments before we continue?

Practice: Comments

  • Add a comment at the top of your script with the course number and your name

  • For each line of code you wrote earlier:
    • Add a comment line above it explaining what that line does
    • Use wording that makes sense to you!

  • This lets your class notes be included directly with your code!
    • Though you’re of course welcome to take notes (or not) using whatever medium you prefer


  • Programming wouldn’t be useful if you needed to do everything by hand

  • Programming languages include functions to avoid arithmetic
    • Someone else has done the manual labor and made an object of that process!

  • You can then use the function instead of doing the math yourself

  • Functions use arguments to let users specify what they can modify

Function Example

  • There is a function called round that rounds decimals either up or down

  • round has two arguments:
    • x = the number(s) to round
    • digits = the number of digits to which to round x

  • Let’s look at an example
# Round a decimal to 2 digits
round(x = 62.82379110, digits = 2)
[1] 62.82

Function Help

  • Functions include help files built into R to help you use them!

  • Can be accessed by typing a ? and then the function name
    • E.g., ?mean

  • Type (and run) ?round and see what happens

Practice: Functions

  • Base R includes an object called pi that includes the first 6 digits of π

  • Using the round function, round pi to 3 digits

  • Consult the help file for the square root function (sqrt)
    • What argument(s) does sqrt expect?

  • What is the square root of pi?

  • Don’t forget to add comments to each line in your script!

Vectors and Concatenation

  • You can also make objects that contain several values
    • This type of object is called a vector

  • You can make vectors using “concatenation
    • [con-CAT-eh-nation]

  • R does this with the c function
    • You need commas between each element of a vector
    • E.g., my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

Object Classes

  • Objects have a class that dictates what operations they support

  • Math can only be done on “numeric” objects

  • Text can be stored in “character” objects
    • But math can’t be done on characters!

  • You can check an object’s current class with the class function
    • E.g., class(my_object)

Object Classes Cont.

  • There are many classes
    • Most of which are beyond the scope of this class

  • Let’s focus on 3 fundamental classes
    1. Numeric = numbers
    2. Character = text
    3. Factor = text but defines categorical groups

Class Coercion

  • You can force (a.k.a. coerce) an object from one class to another

  • The simplest functions to do this are all as.<desired class>()
    • E.g., as.numeric()

  • Want to have your code treat a number like text?
    • my_text <- as.character(111)

  • What happens when you try to force text into a number?
    • my_num <- as.numeric("hello")

Practice: Concatenation & Classes

  • Concatenate the numbers 1, 4, 9, and 6 into a vector
    • Hint: remember the c function!

  • What is the class of that vector?

  • Concatenate “hello”, “world”, and the first vector into a new vector
    • What is the class of the new vector?

  • Multiply the second vector by 16; what does this return?

Temperature Check

How are you Feeling?

Comic-style graph depicting someone's emotional state as they debug code (from initial struggle and defeat to eventual triumph)

Upcoming Due Dates

Due before lecture

(By midnight)

Due before lab

(By midnight)