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Produces a Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) or Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) for up to 10 groups. Draws an ellipse around the standard deviation of the points in each group. By default, assigns a unique color (colorblind-safe) and point shape for each group. If the user supplies colors/shapes then the function can support more than 10 groups. For NMS ordinations, includes the stress as the legend title (see ?vegan::metaMDS for explanation of "stress"). For PCoA ordinations includes the percent variation explained parenthetically in the axis labels.


ordination(mod = NULL, grps = NULL, ...)



(pcoa | monoMDS/metaMDS) object returned by ape::pcoa or vegan::metaMDS


(vector) vector of categorical groups for data. Must be same length as number of rows in original data object


additional arguments passed to graphics::plot, graphics::points, scales::alpha, vegan::ordiellipse, or graphics::legend. Open a GitHub Issue if function must support additional arguments


(plot) base R ordination with an ellipse for each group


# \donttest{
# Use data from the vegan package
utils::data("varespec", package = 'vegan')

# Make some columns of known number of groups
treatment <- c("Trt1", (nrow(varespec)/4)),
     "Trt2", (nrow(varespec)/4)),
     "Trt3", (nrow(varespec)/4)),
     "Trt4", (nrow(varespec)/4)))

# And combine them into a single data object
data <- cbind(treatment, varespec)

# Get a distance matrix from the data
dist <- vegan::vegdist(varespec, method = 'kulczynski')

# Perform PCoA / NMS
pcoa_mod <- ape::pcoa(dist)
nms_mod <- vegan::metaMDS(data[-1], autotransform = FALSE, expand = FALSE, k = 2, try = 50)
#> Run 0 stress 0.1000211 
#> Run 1 stress 0.160494 
#> Run 2 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 2.418569e-05  max resid 0.0001051768 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 3 stress 0.173334 
#> Run 4 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 4.052296e-06  max resid 1.763271e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 5 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 5.817102e-07  max resid 2.50098e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 6 stress 0.1616352 
#> Run 7 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 3.830352e-07  max resid 1.366122e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 8 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 8.692326e-06  max resid 3.779172e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 9 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.426434e-06  max resid 6.135848e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 10 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 2.061586e-06  max resid 8.946507e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 11 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 9.422265e-06  max resid 4.095289e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 12 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 2.74398e-05  max resid 0.0001180424 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 13 stress 0.1613105 
#> Run 14 stress 0.1616352 
#> Run 15 stress 0.1532704 
#> Run 16 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 5.073255e-06  max resid 2.188445e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 17 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 4.585748e-06  max resid 1.96768e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 18 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 5.191166e-06  max resid 2.179527e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 19 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.657658e-06  max resid 5.468007e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 20 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.148052e-05  max resid 4.585103e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> *** Best solution repeated 2 times

# Create PCoA ordination (with optional agruments)
ordination(mod = pcoa_mod, grps = data$treatment, 
           bg = c("red", "blue", "purple", "orange"),
           lty = 2, col = "black")

# Create NMS ordination
ordination(mod = nms_mod, grps = data$treatment, alpha = 0.3, 
           x = "topright", legend = LETTERS[1:4])

# }