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This function has been superseded by ordination because this is just a special case of that function. Additionally, ordination provides users much more control over the internal graphics functions used to create the fundamental elements of the graph

Produces Non-Metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMS) ordinations for up to 10 groups. Assigns a unique color for each group and draws an ellipse around the standard deviation of the points. Automatically adds stress (see vegan::metaMDS for explanation of "stress") as legend title. Because there are only five hollow shapes (see ?graphics::pch()) all shapes are re-used a maximum of 2 times when more than 5 groups are supplied.


  mod = NULL,
  groupcol = NULL,
  title = NA,
  colors = c("#41b6c4", "#c51b7d", "#7fbc41", "#d73027", "#4575b4", "#e08214", "#8073ac",
    "#f1b6da", "#b8e186", "#8c96c6"),
  shapes = rep(x = 21:25, times = 2),
  lines = rep(x = 1, times = 10),
  pt_size = 1.5,
  pt_alpha = 1,
  lab_text_size = 1.25,
  axis_text_size = 1,
  leg_pos = "bottomleft",
  leg_cont = unique(groupcol)



(metaMDS/monoMDS) object returned by vegan::metaMDS


(dataframe) column specification in the data that includes the groups (accepts either bracket or $ notation)


(character) string to use as title for plot


(character) vector of colors (as hexadecimal codes) of length >= group levels (default not colorblind safe because of need for 10 built-in unique colors)


(numeric) vector of shapes (as values accepted by pch) of length >= group levels


(numeric) vector of line types (as integers) of length >= group levels


(numeric) value for point size (controlled by character expansion i.e., cex)


(numeric) value for transparency of points (ranges from 0 to 1)


(numeric) value for axis label text size


(numeric) value for axis tick text size


(character or numeric) legend position, either numeric vector of x/y coordinates or shorthand accepted by graphics::legend


(character) vector of desired legend entries. Defaults to unique entries in groupcol argument (this argument provided in case syntax of legend contents should differ from data contents)


(plot) base R ordination with an ellipse for each group


# \donttest{
# Use data from the vegan package
utils::data("varespec", package = 'vegan')
resp <- varespec

# Make some columns of known number of groups
factor_4lvl <- c("Trt1", (nrow(resp)/4)),
       "Trt2", (nrow(resp)/4)),
       "Trt3", (nrow(resp)/4)),
       "Trt4", (nrow(resp)/4)))

# And combine them into a single data object
data <- cbind(factor_4lvl, resp)

# Actually perform multidimensional scaling
mds <- vegan::metaMDS(data[-1], autotransform = FALSE, expand = FALSE, k = 2, try = 50)
#> Run 0 stress 0.1000211 
#> Run 1 stress 0.1715395 
#> Run 2 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.068764e-05  max resid 4.170213e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 3 stress 0.1605747 
#> Run 4 stress 0.1613668 
#> Run 5 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 3.277054e-06  max resid 1.416261e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 6 stress 0.1607499 
#> Run 7 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 3.547968e-07  max resid 1.025797e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 8 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 6.553308e-06  max resid 2.717474e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 9 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.847283e-05  max resid 5.887532e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 10 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.638284e-06  max resid 6.797019e-06 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 11 stress 0.1607505 
#> Run 12 stress 0.2186732 
#> Run 13 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 9.336186e-06  max resid 4.046768e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 14 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.860223e-05  max resid 7.962999e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 15 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... New best solution
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 3.514954e-06  max resid 1.498052e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 16 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.420825e-05  max resid 6.162886e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 17 stress 0.160494 
#> Run 18 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 6.506975e-06  max resid 2.816072e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> Run 19 stress 0.1733341 
#> Run 20 stress 0.1000211 
#> ... Procrustes: rmse 1.532844e-05  max resid 6.633466e-05 
#> ... Similar to previous best
#> *** Best solution repeated 4 times

# With the scaled object and original dataframe we can use this function
nms_ord(mod = mds, groupcol = data$factor_4lvl,
                title = '4-Level NMS', leg_pos = 'topright',
                leg_cont = as.character(1:4))

# }