
I have had several opportunities to publish scientific papers both as a lead author and as a member of a larger scientific team. Here are some of the highlights of that record. If any of these links are behind a paywall for you, simply reach out to me and I’ll work to get you a PDF. The icons to the left of the titles (e.g., ) are intended to help roughly group content by their topic.

great spangled fritillary

Not (Yet!) Published

Note that many of these projects have GitHub repositories but they are set to ‘Private’ until publication. If you would like to use the code in one of these repos, just reach out and we can discuss adding you to the repositories before the papers are published.

– Johnson, K. et al. Climate, Hydrology, and Nutrients Control the Seasonality of Si Concentrations in Rivers. [In review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences]

– LaMontagne, J. et al. Community Synchrony in Seed Production is Associated with Trait Similarity and Climate across North America. [In prep]

– Nigro, K. et al. coMAST: Harmonized Seed Production Data for Woody Plants across U.S. Long Term Research Sites. [In prep]

– Brun, J. et al. Enabling Data-Driven Collaborative and Reproducible Environmental Synthesis Science. [In prep]

– Moranz, R., Lyon, N.J. and Debinski, D.M. Response of Butterfly Milkweed (Ascelpias tuberosa) to Cattle Grazing. [In prep]


– Johnson, K. et al. Establishing Fluvial Silicon Regimes and Their Stability Across the Northern Hemisphere 2024. Limnology and Oceanography Letters

– Herbivory Variability Network. Plant Size, Latitude, and Phylogeny Explain Within-Population Variability in Herbivory 2023. Science

– Kucuk, R.A. et al. Gut Bacteria of Adult and Larval Cotinis nitida Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Demonstrate Community Differences According to Life Stage and Gut Region 2023. Frontiers in Microbiology - GitHub repo

– Gaynor, K. et al. Ten Simple Rules to Cultivate Belonging in Collaborative Data Science Research Teams. 2022. PLOS Computational Biology

– Coon, J.J. et al. Using Adaptive Management to Restore Grasslands Invaded by Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus). 76. 2021. Rangeland Ecology and Management - GitHub repo

– Lyon, N.J. et al. Responses of Flowering Plant and Butterfly Communities to Experimental Herbicide and Seeding Treatments for Native Grassland Restoration. 3. 2021. Ecological Restoration - GitHub repo

– Lyon, N.J. et al. An Integrated Approach to Restoring Grassland Function to Working Lands. 2019. Master of Science Thesis

– Lyon, N.J., Debinski, D.M., and Rangwala, I. Evaluating the Utility of Species Distribution Models in Informing Climate Change-Resilient Grassland Restoration Strategy. 7. 2019 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - GitHub repo

– Lyon, N.J. and Hodum, P. Mytilus Mussels as Bio-indicators of Regional Microplastic Trends. 2015. University of Puget Sound Undergraduate Thesis

stilt bug